What is milk Processing?

By 22:47

Milk is a product of everyday consumption. From the little buds to the oldies, milk is a necessary element for the bones. Some people have toned, some double toned and some prefer full-fat milk variants according to their physique and age. Milk, before consumption is processed so that all the impurities are removed. This is done especially by the people who sell packet milk. The milk that you procure directly from the diary does not undergo this process. The diary or milk product manufacturers (Niryas.com) keep a special note that processing is done in the best manner so that final product does not harm the human body and is safe for consumption.
The processing of milk is done in big plants where the type required is separated. Like special procedure is done for the toning of milk such as the fat is removed. Full cream processing is one such process that makes the milk perfectly toned. All this is done before packing the milk for the market.  For the surplus cream separated from the milk processing, is stored by the dairy or milk product manufacturer and is sent for further sale.
Basically, there is a chain process which is followed for milk processing. The first phase is separation wherein the milk is heated to operating temperature and the cream is removed. In the next stage, Pasteurization is done. Here all the harmful bacteria are killed. This is done to increase the shelf life of the milk product.
This is followed by Homogenisation. In this step, a mechanical healing is done to avoid a layer of cream from separating out in finished milk. Milk is forced at high pressures from narrow tubes, breaking up the fat into small particles which do not recombine, thus it results in a milk product which has a great texture and taste. 
After this comes the stage of Secondary Processing and Packaging. All the left out treatment is done and then the packaging takes places. During the packaging phase, special care is taken that milk is packaged in the best condition and all the safety measures are taken into account to ensure that the milk stays usable for a longer shelf life.
These steps are performed with the help of latest technology. This packed milk is fit for consumption as it has adhered to the standards released by the government for safe milk processing. It is the prime responsibility of the dairy or milk products manufacturer to take utmost great care during the processing of milk.

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