Diwali Celebrations: You may be buying adulterated sweets from your local store
We eagerly wait an entire year for the celebrations to begin with
Dussehra and Diwali. And when it's there, we loosen our purse strings
and unleash our appetite to savor the wide variety of goodies
prepared during this time. Sweet shops are flooded with people, as
there's a huge demand for milk-based sweets. However, in recent
times, adulteration of milk based food products has become a common
phenomenon, especially during festivals such as Diwali.
You may trust your local sweet shop, but are you sure about the
people who supply full cream organic milk and milk
products to your local sweet shop. Your local sweet shop is
unlikely to have a laboratory to test its products, so it's just a
matter of luck whether you get pure milk based sweets or adulterated
Quality checks are often conducted by government
agencies during the festive season, but they too face the problem of
limited manpower. Since they cannot cover all sweet shops, they take
the route of random sampling. This again leaves gaps and increases
the possibility that adulteration may go undetected at many sweet
shops. Reports indicate that around 20 to 40 percent of milk based
products sold during Diwali are of substandard quality or have
You may think about taking some samples and getting it tested by a
private laboratory. However, private laboratories do not come cheap
and they may charge you anywhere between Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 for
testing food samples. It can also cost you more, depending on the
number of tests being conducted and the type of testing equipment
used by the private laboratory.
If you have adequate funds, you can certainly utilize the services of
a private laboratory. You can also connect with other people in your
social circle who live nearby and ask them to contribute to the
cause. If they too buy from the same sweet shop, they may also be
interested to know whether they are getting pure milk based products
or adulterated stuff.
Another option is to buy packaged full
cream organic milk from a reputed brand and use it to prepare the
sweets at home. It’s true that you will have to make additional
efforts to prepare sweets at home, but considering the risks, it
would be worth it. If you care about your health and that of your
family members, you should take some wise decisions this Diwali.